More About The Glendale
Swimming Pool
Story furnished by Clarence Crocker
Although I included a
brief article about the swimming pool in the Glendale Sports and
Recreation story which was put on the web-site in
2010, for history sake, I feel the time has come for
“the rest of the story” as I remember.
Built in the mid 1930s
for the community but referred to as “The Boy Scout’s
Swimming Pool”, the project was the brainstorm and one
of the ongoing projects of Mr. Lindsay Swofford in
improving the environmental and recreational facilities
of the Glendale Community. Mr. Swofford was the
Bookkeeper/Paymaster at Glendale Mills at the time. He
was a affable gentlemen with the best interest of the
village and its people at heart. He did much toward its
improvements in the early 1900s and was instrumental in
getting the Scouts into Glendale.
Luckily, the Civilian
Conservation Corp had been created in April 1933 along
with the Work’s Progress Administration in 1935. Known
as the CC Camps and the WPA, both had been organized to
give jobs to the masses of unemployed citizens resulting
from the great depression and the nations financial
collapse of the early thirties. The first requirement of
the programs was that the applicant must be an American
citizen. The CCs paid $30 per month along with food and
clothing and a compulsory allotment of 22 to 25 dollars
per month being sent to a dependent to aid in meeting
needs of the family. The WPA paid according to local pay
scale with the monthly pay ranging between 19 to 94
dollars per month (Wikipedia)
Their projects
included state and national infrastructures such as
roads, bridges, parks, environmental projects such as
planting of trees, shrubs, soil conservation and other
like projects. It was according to this policy that Mr.
Swofford was able to engage them in the public works at
Glendale. Not only was the pool built but he was
instrumental in getting hundreds of trees and shrubs
planted in the area, some soil erosion stopped and a
side walk built down Broadway in the village in
beautification and environmental projects.
The swimming pool,
which I visited a few times while under construction,
was located inside a large wooded pasture area which had
been enclosed by the Mill Company with wire fencing. For
a small fee, residents of the village were allowed to
put their cattle in the pasture to stay and feed. The
park area which included the pool, picnic tables,
barbeque pits and a tennis court, was located in a large
flat grassy meadow of the pasture. Fences kept the
cattle out of the park area. It was a beautiful place.
Various games were also played in the meadow.
Spartanburg/Glendale/Clifton Trolley
tracks separated the pasture from the mill
village. Walk through gates to the pasture and pool area
were located at the end of Bishop Hill, Carline and
Clifton Street and I suppose other locations. An
entrance for automobiles and small trucks with no gate
was located directly behind the new Community cemetery.
A pipe bridge was built to prevent the cattle from
getting out. The bridge was about 10 feet wide with
steel pipes laid parallel and spaced some 4 or 5 inches
apart to prevent the cattle from getting out. One could
walk across the bridge but was discouraged to do so lest
their foot slip between the pipes, seriously injuring
their foot or leg.

The pool was fed by
spring water which was very cold. A plunge into the pool
could wipe out the heat of a July or August day in about
2 seconds. One could go in perspiring and come out with
goose bumps. The pool which began with a shallow area
for children and wading, continued to deepen until it
reached the dam at which point it was about 10 to 12
feet deep. I have no exact measurements of the pool but
would guess it to have been about 50 to 60 feet wide and
about 150 to 200 feet long.
A diving board was
located at the dam and a bath house called by many “the
wash house”, was located at the side. The pool had
concrete walls with a gray sand/dirt, rocky bottom. A
concrete gang plant was located at each side of the dam
which allowed swimmers to walk up out of the water
rather than trying to climb out over the bank walls.

On the back side of
the pool was a sloped grassy bank on which swimmers
would lie either on blankets or the grass for sun
bathing. On numerous occasions I saw the bank lined with
sunbathers. Of course many dove into the pool from the
banks on both sides of the pool. Below the dam was a
small water wheel and generator house in which power for
lights and pumps was generated. I believe the wheel was
about 6 or 8 feet in diameter. This only lasted a short
while due to pilferage and vandalism.
It was possible for
one to drive a car down into the upper end of the meadow
if one so desired but a large parking area was provided
on the hill above. A long set of concrete/rock steps
were built up the hill side from the meadow to the
parking area. Though quite a large number of men were
employed during the construction, Elmer Willis, a local
man who had joined the CC Camp, built the steps and had
much to do in building the park and it’s amenities.
Incidentally, he served as Scout Master of the local
Scout Troop for many years. It was this writers
privilege to serve as his assistant in the late 40s and
early 50s.

Though the pool was
built for local residents, people from nearby areas
frequented the park. I remember large crowds gathering
at the pool on warm summer sunny days. A day was set
aside especially for the ladies and girls. The pool was
used by the Glendale Pentecostal Holiness Church as a
Baptismal pool. During the hours of their service all
swimming was prohibited.
Built at a time when
the effects of the depression was still lingering and
leisure was abundant, the pool was a popular place to
spend time, relax and swim away one’s troubles. Some
carrying their picnic baskets, spent most of the day in
the area. After a few years when more jobs became
available and more schooling was taking place, leisure
time of youth and adults alike became more scarce,
interest in and attention to the pool began to wan.
Industry beginning to work three shifts, labor unrest,
the threats of liabilities, pilferage and vandalism
becoming rampant, the mill and it’s properties changing
management and the war hovering over the nation, were
all contributing factors to the closure of the pool in
the late 1940s. Today the park area is a jungle of
scrubs, trees, vines, crumbling walls, broken steps, a
broken dam and a place of fond memories.
We are grateful to
Gerald and Kenneth Quinn for pictures which they made
recently of the area. Gerald and Kenneth are natives of
Glendale and were the sons of the late Mr. Will and Mrs.
Alice Quinn. Mr. Quinn was mill and village Policeman
for many years. Both worked with this writer at Glendale
Mills while they were still in school. (Click for the pictures and additional
information about the pool).
The sad note of the
swimming pool story is that unfortunately, Mr. Swofford
who had done so much for the community and was the
integrator of building the pool, was severely injured in
the late thirties. Textile union organization was at
full throttle. Some union activists seeking to unionize
Glendale Mills caught Mr. Swofford outside his office,
picked him up, manhandled him and if I remember
correctly, they then dropped him on his back seriously
injuring him. He retired and died at the age of 54 some
3 or 4 years thereafter. Unable to locate any of his
family relatives, I have been unable to establish if
those injuries contributed to his death but I rather
suspect that they did, at least in some way.
Mr. Lindsay Swofford
died in the St. Luke’s Hospital in Tryon, N. C. His
obituary published in the Spartanburg Herald and Journal
on July 22, 1941 stated that he had served as
Bookkeeper/Paymaster at Glendale Mills, a Division of D.
E. Converse Co, for 17 years. He was survived by his
wife, Mrs. Ola Mills Swofford; three sons, George,
Robert and Donald Swofford, all of Tryon; his father,
McK Swofford of Spruce Pine, N. C.; the following
sisters and brothers, Mrs. M. E. Caldwell, Campobello,
S. C., Mrs. Fate Chapman, Maryville, Tenn., Mrs. Jess
Worley, Spruce Pine, Mrs. Clarence Stevens, Compton,
Calif., Mrs. J. B. Costelloe, Greenville, S. C., Mrs.
Alge Johnson, Chesnee, S. C., Ira Swofford, Knoxville,
Tenn., Fate Swofford and Lucius Swofford, of Spruce
Pine, and J. W. Swofford, Chesnee, S. C.
Funeral services were
held at Floyd’s Mortuary in Spartanburg, S. C. with
interment following in the Greenlawn Memorial Gardens.
Pallbearers were; R. F. Bagwell, H. B. White, Deck
Murray, W.F. Rogers, R. B. Fuller and C. A. Thrasher.
Mr. Swofford had many friends in Glendale who were
deeply saddened by his injury and death.
My appreciation to
George Hunter for supplying the pictures of him and
Elmond Sams in the pool in 1947.
This web site has been started
as a public service to share the story of
Glendale. See
more information about Mary and her Glendale connection
at Mary McKinney Teaster.