Index to Glendale Community
The following index for the Glendale Cemetery was
compiled and furnished by Mr.
Clarence Crocker, a life long Glendale
resident. Mr. Crocker started to work for Glendale
Mills in 1948. Part of his first job was
responsibility for things dealing with the Village
and the cemetery was part of that.

First, let me point out that
Glendale has two cemeteries. The first was the
Bivingsville Community Cemetery located in the heart
of the village and is known today as the Glendale
Methodist Cemetery. The second, known as the Glendale
Community Cemetery, is located about 1/4 mile above
the village off the Glendale/Clifton road.
Seeing the need for such,
I have begun the mammoth task of indexing the Glendale
Community Cemetery. The task is enormous as upward of
1,000s, or more graves are located there. I will be
indexing by segments as time and health permit. Each
segment will be indexed by alphabet. Some grave
markers have become so degraded that names and dates
are not legible while others are broken or fallen
over. Some graves are marked only by an earth rock. In
gathering the data, I make a digital picture of every
grave stone, transfer the picture to my computer,
enlarge the picture and copy the names and dates. I
shall do my best to copy each marker as inscribed.
Where I make a mistake, I apologize. Though many are
spelled different today, I have tried to copy the
names as spelled on the markers. Pictures are not
available as all pictures were deleted after the
information was taken.
Segment No. 1 Index includes graves left of the upper
entrance driveway plus a small section located on the
right side in the U curve.
The Segment No. 2 Index
includes a 100 foot strip of graves on the right side
of the upper entrance road, beginning at the entrance
gate, running to and including the grave under the
awning shelter. I have placed a question mark (?)
beside names and dates which were not clear. Quite a
number were not legible.
The Segment No. 3 Index includes the graves from the
lower tip of the cemetery which joins the School
District office property, running uphill some 150-200
feet. As in the other segments, numerous grave markers
were illegible, broken or missing.
The Segment No. 4 Index
includes graves in a 100 foot central strip between the
upper and lower road.
No. 4 concludes the indexing of the Glendale Community
Cemetery. It has been a huge
job. More than 1000 digital images were taken.
Some 927graves were identified and have been
indexed with 150 (or more) not being indexed due
to deterioration making the markers illegible,
broken markers or no markers at all, making a
total of 1000 plus graves in this Cemetery. The
index shows 83 veterans interred in the cemetery
with the marker of one killed in action. Though
the graves were not laid out in any sense of
uniformity, I have sought carefully to make sure
that every legible marker was indexed. Wherein I
have failed, I apologize.
(It was a sobering experience to reflect
upon the lives and death of relatives and friends of
the family as I looked upon their graves, many whom
I never saw. Then there were my own personal friends
with whom I grew up and attended school. Many were
born the same year and even the month in which I was
born. Such experiences makes one appreciate the
blessings of life more than ever. My only hope is
that in the years to come, many will be able to
identify with their loved ones resting in the
Glendale Community Cemetery. -Rev. Clarence Crocker,
March, 2012.)