Commodore P.
Lindsey, Civil War Veteran
Story furnished by
Clarence Crocker
(Editors Note: In this
case, Commodore is Mr. Lindsey's first name, not a
military rank.)
According to copies of
C.S.A. Muster roll records which I have, Commodore R.
Lindsey of Bivingsville (Glendale) S. C. was enrolled in
the Co. A 1st Confederate Regiment, Georgia Volunteers
in Macon, Georgia on April 11, 1862 by Corporal
Adealovold. He was 16 years old and was enlisted by
mistake under the name of Commodore (P) Lindsey. His
original enlistment was for I year but he reenlisted for
an additional 3 years at a later date.
This Company was
formerly Company A. 36th (Villepigue’s) Regiment,
Georgia Infantry and was changed to the 1st Regiment
Confederate Infantry also known as the 1st Confederate
Regiment, Georgia Volunteers by S.O. No 25 A and I.G.O.
dated January 31, 1862. About April 9, 1862, the 1st
Regiment, Confederate Infantry, the 25th, 29th, 30th and
66th Regiments, Georgia Infantry and the 1st Battalion,
Georgia Sharpshooters, were consolidated and formed the
1st Confederate Battalion, Georgia Volunteers which was
paroled at Greensboro, N. C. on May 1, 1865.
The July/August 1864
Muster Roll listed Commodore (P) Lindsey absent, being
sick in the General Hospital, Macon, Georgia. A report
dated April 30, 1865 from Headquarters, 1st Brigade 2nd
Calvary Division, Macon, Ga. showed Charles P.
(Commodore R.) Lindsey had been captured in Macon,
Georgia April 20th and 21st, 1865 by the 1st Brigade,
2nd Calvary Division of the Union Army. This report with
name correction was respectfully returned to the
Commissioner of Pensions, State of Georgia, Atlanta.
Signed by (signature illegible), The Adjutant

Shortly after the war,
Commodore R. Lindsey married Miss Amanda Bell Humphries,
born on February 18, 1857. The 1900 Federal census tells
us they had been married 32 years and had become the
parents of thirteen children, eight had died and five
were living, three at home with their parents. The
census listed Commodore R. Lindsey, head of the
household, living in Glendale, S. C. with family as
Commodore R. Lindsey,
53 years of age, born in September 1846, a lawyer.
Amanda wife, 49 years
of age, born in February 1857, a housekeeper.
Summer C. son, 19
years of age, born in March 1881, a cotton mill worker.
Sylvester son, 13
years of age, born in December 1886, a cotton mill
George W. son, 8 years
of age, born in September 1891.
Their son James
William Lindsey, born in July 1870, had been married 6
years to a lady named Ollie, born in January 1877 and
they were the parents of two children; Whiteford, born in
February 1895 and Virgil, born in March 18, 1897.
Their son Martin Van
Buren Lindsey, born in March 1878, had married a lady
named Emma, born in December 1877 and they were the
parents of one daughter, Geneva, born in December
The following
information was taken from their grave markers.
Amanda Bell Humphries
Lindsey was born February 18, 1857 and died July 25,
1915. No funeral arrangements were found. Interment was
in the upper Glendale
Cemetery just below the upper entrance roadway.
While I found no records of her survivors, obviously her
husband and his survivors listed below were her
survivors also.
Commodore R. Lindsey
was born September 8, 1846 and died November 26, 1927.
Survivors were 4 sons; Sylvester.
George, Summer (Summey) and Martin V. Lindsey, all of
Glendale. No funeral arrangements available. Interment
took place in the upper
Glendale Community Cemetery alongside of his wife.
My appreciation to Mr.
Ray Price, Commodore’s great grandson, for supplying the
pictures and helping pull the story together. Census and
war records, courtesy of Spartanburg Library.
This web site has been started as a
public service to share the story of Glendale.
See more information about Mary and her Glendale
connection at Mary McKinney