Glendale Proud of Good
Glendale, SC
furnished by Clarence Crocker

The above caption along
with the following article appeared in the Spartanburg
Herald, Thursday June 7, 1934.
$40,000 Structure
Proves Asset to Community near Hub City.
The Glendale school in
the Glendale school district #39 was built several years
ago at the cost of $40,000. It is a large and efficient
Mrs. F. D. Murray of
Glendale is Principal. Other teachers are; Mrs. Reba
Houser, Miss. Minnie Sanders, Miss. Frances Duncan,
Miss. Ruth Keller and Mrs. Irene Allen.
In the Glendale
district there also is the Lewis Chapel school for the
Trustees of the
district are; Mr. S. J. Dupre, Chairman; Mr. A. W. Gault
and Mr. L. S. Wofford.
Foot notes; The
Glendale School was located on Church street in the
heart of the community.
The Lewis Chapel
school was located on the Lewis Chapel road about one
mile above village. Mr. Dupre was serving as
Secretary and Treasurer of The D. E. Converse Co.,
Glendale Division in 1934 and became President of the
Glendale Division in 1945.
Mr. Gault was serving
as Cotton Platform and Outside Employees Supervisor of
The D.E. Converse Co., Glendale Division in 1934.
"Mr. L.S. Woffod" I
believe should have read Mr. Lindsay Swofford who was
serving as Bookkeeper/Paymaster of D.E. Converse Co.,
Glendale Division in 1934.
This web site has been started
as a public service to share the story of
Glendale. See
more information about Mary and her Glendale connection
at Mary McKinney Teaster.