The Reece Brothers
Pentecostal Holiness Ministers
Story furnished by Clarence Crocker
The Reverend
William Troy Reece, a Glendale
native, was the son of Jack and Maggie Burris Reece.
Like his parents and most siblings, he began his
work in the textile industry at Glendale Mills. He
married a local lady, Miss. Pearl Westbrook. They
became members of the Glendale
Pentecostal Holiness Church from which “Troy”
as he was known entered the ministry in 1932.
Excerpts from the Obituary of Mrs. W.T. Reece,
published Tuesday, May 16, 1967; “Mrs. Pearl
Westbrook Reece, 58, wife of Rev. W. T. Reece died
Monday morning in the Anderson Hospital after a long
illness. Native of Spartanburg County, she was the
daughter of the late Thomas M. and Era Petty
Westbrook and was a member of the Glendale Pentecostal
Holiness Church.
Also surviving; three sons, including the Rev. Bobby
L. Reece of Tryon;(no other names were listed) six
Services to be held Wednesday at the McDougal
Funeral Home with interment following in the
Greenlawn Memorial Gardens in Spartanburg”.
Following the death of Mrs. Pearl Westbrook Reece,
Rev. Troy Reece married Bessie Harrell.
Excerpts from the Obituary of Rev. William T. Reece
published Monday, February 25, 1991;
“The Rev. William Troy Reece, 83, died February 23,
1991 in Halifax Hospital in Roanoke Rapids. A native
of Spartanburg County, he was the husband of Bessie
Harrell Reece and the son of the late Jack and
Maggie Burris Reece.
Rev. Reece was transferred from the Upper South
Carolina Pentecostal Holiness Conference to the
North Carolina Pentecostal Holiness Conference in
April, 1969. He pastored at; Weldon Pentecostal
Holiness Church, Darlington Pentecostal Holiness
Church, and the Alert Pentecostal Holiness Church
after serving several churches in the S. C.
Survivors are; two sons, The Reverend Bobby
Reece and Eugene Reece; a stepdaughter, Nan
Carpentener; three stepsons, James Hale, Earl Hale
and Collin Hale; five grandchildren, five great
grandchildren, nine step grandchildren and four step
great grandchildren.
Services to be held at the Thrinty Pentecostal
Holiness Church in Halifax, N. C. with interment
following in the Greenlawn Memorial Gardens in
Spartanburg, S. C. Writer’s note; As I
remember “Troy” he was a low key, kind and soft
speaking Preacher. He was very effective in his
years of ministry. If memory serves me correctly,
Rev. Troy served as Pastor of the Glendale Pentecostal
Holiness Church for a while.
The Reverend David Reece, a Glendale native, was
also the son of Jack and Maggie Reece. He married
Ruby Solesby, daughter of Jesssie F. and Nora
Solesby also of Glendale,
S.C. David was a former employee of Glendale Mills and a
member of the Glendale
Pentecostal Holiness Church from which he
entered the Ministry in the late 1930s.
The 1940 Spartanburg/Glendale Census listed the
household as;
David Reece 25, husband/weaver
Wife; Ruby 22,
Children; Donald 5
Janice 1
There were two more children added to the family
after the 1940 census; Kenneth & Terry
Belonging to the Upper S.C. Pentecostal Holiness
Conference, David, as he was known in his home town,
served as Pastor of Churches in Abbeville, Waterloo,
Irmo, Clinton, Greer, and Belton, South Carolina.
David with a good deep clear voice was a forceful,
fiery Preacher. While I’m sure Rev. David preached
at his home church from time to time, I don’t recall
him ever serving as Pastor.
For about 50 years, David had been faithful to his
calling when death struck him in July 1983 while
serving as Pastor of a church in Clinton, S. C.
Ruby, who had been a faithful wife and helper all
those years, had died just a few months before in
January, 1983. No obituaries were found but both
were buried in Abbeville, S. C.
My sincere appreciation to David’s daughter, Janice
and her husband, for their assistance in gathering
this information. The Reece and the Solesby families
were considered dear friends of the Crocker family.
Obituaries and Federal Census records, courtesy of
the Spartanburg County Library.
August 2013
Clarence E. Crocker

This web
site has been started as a public service to share
the story of Glendale.
more information about Mary and her Glendale
connection at Mary McKinney