Quinn's Print Shop
Story furnished by Clarence

Quinn Print Shop was
owned and operated by The Reverend Clyde Quinn from mid
1940s to mid 1960s. Clyde had built a new home on the
Fernwood/Glendale road and opened the print shop in the
basement of his home. Clyde, the son of John and Hattie
Byars Quinn, was born February 10, 1913 in Woodruff,
South Carolina.
His first venture was
with an old model press in which the type had to be set
by hand. He printed business flyers, gospel tracts,
church and revival announcements. This writer watched
him one day taking the preformed type in various size
pitch from a large cabinet with tweezers, spelling out
the words of the announcement letter by letter.
As the business grew
he purchased a Linotype typesetting machine like those
used by newspapers for years. By using a typewriter
style keyboard the Linotype allowed words to be created
on a lead bar called a slug. This resulted in a “line of
type” about six inches long. Clyde, his wife Minnie and
sister, Mrs. Sara Quinn Varner became proficient with
the Linotype as did his sons, Alvin and Johnny.
Later, Clyde purchased
an Offset Printing Press that involved multiple steps
and a good bit of expertise to obtain the printed page.
Basically, light sensitive chemicals and photographic
techniques were used to transfer an image of the
material to be printed onto an aluminum plate that was
then attached to a cylinder of the press from which the
paper was printed. Alvin became somewhat of an expert
with the photographic techniques involved in the
process. A large portion of the work was then done on
the Offset Press.
In the late 40s Clyde
printed a book written by Dr. J. Harold Smith,
Founder/President of the world renown Radio Bible Hour
entitled, “God’s Three Deadlines” which he used in
conjunction with his radio ministry. The book was
copyrighted in 1949 and became very popular.
Incidentally, the sermon outline and video is available
today on the web which showed some 10,000 hits as of
Oct. 6, 2010. Dr. Smith presented a modern Kluge
printing press to Quinn’s Print Shop to be used in
printing the book. Clyde also did print work for the
Blue Ridge Quartet which was very popular in this region
for 10 to 20 years.
Clyde had married
Minnie Fullbright, the daughter of Ashbury and Elizabeth
York Fullbright and they became the parents of five
children; Barbara, Annie Marie, Alvin, Johnny and Janet
Elizabeth who died at the age of three in 1936. Rev.
Quinn, his family along with his mother and father were
wonderful “next door” neighbors to this writer’s family
for many years
Clyde and his family
were members of the Glendale Baptist Church where Clyde
was ordained to preach the gospel in February of 1937.
Rev. Quinn served as Pastor of Churches while operating
the print shop. Closing the shop in the mid sixties,
Rev. Quinn went into full time Pastoral/Evangelistic
He retired from the
Canadys First Baptist Church, Canadys, S. C. where he
was preaching when his wife, Minnie Quinn died. She was
in the hospital in Charleston when she died on February
1, 1978. She was buried in the Glendale Community
Cemetery, Glendale, S. C. This writer had the privilege
of bringing the messages in a Revival at Canadys First
Baptist while Rev. Quinn was serving as Pastor.
Following the death of
his wife, Mrs. Minnie Quinn, Rev. Quinn married Effie
Wilson of Ruffin, S. C. He had retired from the Church
when he took sick and died in the hospital at
Charleston, S. C. May 14, 1994. He too was buried
alongside of his first wife in the Glendale Community
Cemetery. Both were survived by their children and Rev.
Quinn was survived also by his second wife, Effie Wilson
My sincere
appreciation to Annie Marie Quinn Bridges and Taylor
Varner III for their contribution to this story. Written
October 2010 by Rev. Clarence E. Crocker
This web site has been started
as a public service to share the story of
Glendale. See
more information about Mary and her Glendale connection
at Mary McKinney Teaster.