Joshua Hilton,
Clifton Mill Superintendent
Story furnished by Clarence
to the Federal census of 1880, Joshua Hilton’s
parents, arriving from England, settled for a
while in the state of New Jersey where their son,
Robert Hilton, was born. Migrating to Missouri,
their son, Joshua Hilton, was born in 1841. The
1880 Census listed Joshua as a Factory
Superintendent and his brother’s (George P. Hilton)
obituary published in the Spartanburg Herald on
Sunday Dec. 6, 1908 gave Joshua as being the
Superintendent of Clifton Mills until his death.
Coming to
Glendale sometime in the 1870s, Joshua began to
buy land in the mill area. According to the
Spartanburg Register of Deeds office, (Deed Book
QQ P301, dated Dec. 30, 1879, Book QQ P303, dated
March 28, 1880, Book SS P 554, dated July 23,
1880) Joshua bought 126 ½ acres of land in three
different tracts just across Lawson Fork on the
south side of the Mill. The property was purchased
from Hannah and S. M. Bagwell for one thousand,
sixty nine dollars. ($1,069.00)
The 1901
survey Plat of the D.E. Converse Company,
Glendale, S. C. property shows the Hilton property
joining the Company property, running east along
the creek bank for some distance. In the 1879
purchase, Joshua gave right of way for a public
road. While not identified in the deed, apparently
this was for the road which was to become the
Glendale/Bethesda Road, now called the Emma Cudd
Road. Dexter E. Converse, President of the D.E.
Converse Co. was witness to this purchase.
married Panthea M. Haynes from North Carolina and
they became the parents of a daughter named Mabel
C. Hilton who died on April 24,1884, having lived
only 15months and 17 days as inscribed on family
grave marker. Also one son named Harvey H. Hilton
was born in February of 1885.
tells us that Joshua had a well dug and built a
house upon the hill overlooking the creek below.
Displeased with the taste of the well water, he
decided to purchase the small track of land with
two springs which joined his property on the lower
side. Having purchased the land, he had a large
foundation laid and a basement built primarily of
rock and concrete upon which the house he had
first built was rolled.
When the
house was finished, it had been expanded to a
large three story house with a full size basement,
in which Joshua and his family, his brother, Doctor George P. Hilton
and boarders lived. The house contained 11 rooms,
2 halls and a stairway. A “dumbwaiter” was used
between the basement where Doctor Hilton worked on
his medicine formulas and the living quarters.
Cabinets where built on the interior basement
walls where Dr. Hilton kept medicine formulas he
was working on and prepared bottled medicine ready
for use. The basement also had a large open
fireplace and a small room called the “potato
room” where potatoes were stored for curing.
The 1880
Census shows Madina(?) age 20 and Mary E. Petty
age 18 as boarders. Obviously they were employees
or seeking employment in the cotton mill which
lies across the creek from the home. Mill
employees from the south side of the mill walked
over a cross-over foot bridge which spanned the
waters into the back of the mill.
are that Dexter Converse recruited Joshua Hilton
to the area and that he worked at the Glendale
plant of D. E. Converse Co. before being
transferred to Clifton Mill No.1 a Division of D.
E. Converse Co. where he was serving as
Superintendent at the time of his death. It had
started production in June of 1881. Records show
that Joshua had bought 58 ½ acres of land at
Hurricane Shoals (Clifton #1) for two hundred,
thirty four dollars ($234,00) in 1880.
Hilton died August 2, 1886 at the age of 45 and
was buried in the Clifton Cemetery located on the
Old School House road in Clifton No.1. This writer
has been unable to find a copy of his obituary. A
large 9 or 10 foot white marble monument which
bears the symbol of Masonry marks his grave. His
name and date of death is inscribed on the front
along with the words; “At home with Jesus”. On the
right side of the monument the name of his wife,
Panthea Hilton Wolling, (obviously she had
remarried) born January 31, 1856, died May 1, 1941
is inscribed. On the back side, the name of his
brother George P. Hilton is inscribed along with
the date of his death. On the right side, the name
of their daughter Mable C. Hilton is inscribed
along with date of death as noted previously. I
have no record of their son’s death.
The Hiltons
were a very prominent and influential family in
the community. Hilton Hill road which runs uphill
in front of the house and bears that name today
was named in honor of the Hilton family. Her
husband having died, the 1900 census showed
Panthea Hilton as head of the house with Harvey
Hilton, her son, George P Hilton, her brother
in-law and Ella M. Rost, age 29, as boarder.
1910Census showed Panthea as head of house with
her mother, Sarah C. Haynes, 84 years of age, the
mother of six children and Hillard Brown, a 19
year old male boarder who was a teacher in the
Glendale Elementary school. I was unable to find
any further records of the family after
appreciation to Mrs. Myrtle Walden Poteat, 77
years of age, whose father bought the Hilton house
for their family home when she was in the first
grade of Glendale School and was able to tell this
writer much of the legend of the Hiltons and the
house. Incidentally, after marrying and moving
elsewhere, she has returned to the family home
(Hilton house) where she lives today. Also to Mr.
Ray Price who filled me in on what his mother, who
was born in 1911 on Hilton Hill road, had told him
how she remembered the Hilton family and place and
the legends told of the family.

This web
site has been started as a public service to
share the story of Glendale. See
more information about Mary and her Glendale
connection at Mary
McKinney Teaster.