Columbus Hawkins Lyda
Story furnished by Clarence

Best known simply as
“Hawk”, a native of Hendersonville, North Carolina,
Columbus Hawkins Lyda was born in 1874 according to 1880
census records. He was the son of Mr. Pinckney and Mrs.
Carolyn Green Lyda. His obituary in the Spartanburg
Herald and Journal stated that he died Sunday night
January 23, 1949 in a local hospital. His survivors
were; his wife, Mrs. Rosa Stepp Lyda, of Hendersonville;
four sisters, Mrs. Emma Rogers of Hendersonville, Mrs.
Lillie Hyder of East Flat Rock, N. C., Mrs. Ester Rodes
of Hendersonville and Mrs. Julia Hyder of Glendale; two
brothers, Mr. Bud Lyda of Hendersonville and Mr. Lewis
Perry Lyda of Glendale and one grandchild. His funeral
service was held in the M. W. Bobo Funeral Chapel at
Spartanburg, S. C. with interment following in the St.
Paul’s Episcopal Church Cemetery near Hendersonville.
Reverend Timothy L. Hottel was the officiating Minister.
I have no records
showing exactly when “Hawk” came to Glendale. The 1910
Henderson county N.C. census listed Columbus Hawkins
Lyda at 36 years of age, head of household, a farmer and
married to Rosa A. Lyda, 29 years of age. They were the
parents of three children; the 1910 census listed a
daughter named Nanny, age 7 and a son Thomas E, age 2
and were living in the Clear Creek community of
Henderson County. The 1920 census listed Rosa A Lyda as
head of household with two children;, son Thomas E. 11
years of age and daughter Oneva, 9 years of age and were
still living in Clear Creek Community. Nanny had
apparently married. It appears that Hawk came to
Glendale, leaving his family behind somewhere about
1919. Rosa had not remarried at the time of Hawk’s death
in 1949.
Hawk’s relatives told
this writer that Hawk, his sister Mrs. Julia Hyder and
her husband along with Hawk’s
brother Perry, all came to Glendale to work in the
mill. Hawk first lived with his sister, Mrs. Julie Hyder
who had married in Hendersonville and had moved to
Glendale with her husband. Perry
worked in the machine shop, eventually becoming Mill
Master Mechanic before his retirement. I have no
knowledge of where or how long Hawk, Julia and her
husband worked in the mill.
After leaving the
mill, Hawk became Glendale’s “Unique” person. This
writer came to know Hawk in the late 30s. He lived alone
in his home on a small farm located on the
Glendale-Bethesda road (now Emma Cudd road) about one
mile from the Glendale Post Office. Hawk had been a
farmer all his life until he came to Glendale. Except
for an occasional trip to the post office and the
grocery store he was seldom seen in the village. He
could be seen almost daily on Lawson Fork shoals below
the dam where he fished and picked up wooden boards and
timbers which had washed down the river with which he
built small buildings on his place or burned in his
Though they may have
made many visits, my only knowledge of Hawk having a
visit from any member of his family was on the occasion
when his son Thomas came down to see him. Apparently
hoping Thomas would stay with him, Hawk and Thomas went
to Spartanburg where Hawk bought a car. The son drove
the car back home but did not stay. Since Hawk could not
drive and apparently had no desire to learn how, he
built a garage over the car without a door to get the
car out, only a walk through door. (Probably from boards
floating down the river) I was told that Hawk, for a
number of years, kept the car polished though it was
never moved until after his death.
When Hawk died and his
property was sold, James Patton, a black neighbor of
this writer bought the car. He told me that it was a
copper head T-model Ford and that after cleaning the
ignition and putting some gas in the tank, it fired on
the first or second crank. After putting some wheels on
the car,( the old wood spoke wheels were shot) he pulled
it to his home since he had no license. James set the
engine up to pull a saw to cut fire longs. Johnny DuPre
bought Hawk’s old home place. Tearing down the old
buildings and plowing the land, old coins stored in jars
and coffee cans were found. A policeman told me that
Confederate money was found sewn in the lining of his
coat when he was carried to the hospital.
Yes, “Hawk” was a
unique individual but he occupied a warm spot in the
hearts of the Glendale residents who had come to really
know him. After reading some of the Glendale history
which I have written, I have had numerous inquiries from
the readers regarding Hawk Lyda and felt that I should
record his life.
Picture courtesy of Gerald
Quinn, a former resident of Glendale.
This web site has been started as a
public service to share the story of Glendale. See more
information about Mary and her Glendale connection at Mary McKinney Teaster.