Glendale's Fire
Story furnished by Clarence

To my knowledge, the
first fire protection Glendale Mills had was limited to
a large open top, square steel plate water tank which
was located in the very top of old #2 mill entrance
tower which was built in 1890. It was fabricated on site
and was kept filled with river water which flowed by
gravity down into pipes in the mill where fire hose were
mounted on the walls to be used in case of fires. When I
looked at the tank back in the late 1940s, having not
been in use for years, it had about a foot of water with
four to six inches of mud covering the bottom of the
tank. As best I remember, we had it cut out in the early
fifties. Though it was long before my day with the Mill
Company, I was told by various old timer mill workers
that in the early days, it also supplied water to
gutters along the top of the old #2 mill weave room
windows which dripped water in front of the opened
widows, adding humidity to the weave room years before
the automatic humidifying system was installed. Though
the mill burned in 2004, the tower still stands.

In 1902 the new mill
addition had been built and a large fire water storage
tank (which stands today) was erected on what was first
named Main Street (Douglas Street today) behind the
“Biving’s” house. It was erected by the Chicago Bridge
and Iron Works of Chicago, Ill. Pumps kept the tank
filled with river water. It supplied water for a closed
“wet/dry-pipe” sprinkler system which was installed in
the mill, the cloth warehouse, the cotton warehouse and
the Mill Store.
In locations subject
to freezing, the pipes were kept filled with air under
pressure which kept the water check valve clapper
closed. When a sprinkler head was melted by the heat of
a fire, the air was released thus opening the clapper
valve to flood the burning area with water. Pumps were
located in front of the mill plant, on the side of the
store and at the back of the cotton warehouse to control
water and air pressure. Too bad that the system wasn’t
active on March 21, 2004 when the mill building caught
fire and burned.
Small fires in the
mill were quite common, especially in the opening and
card rooms where bales of cotton were opened, cleaned
and combed. Small rocks from the cotton fields or metal
particles from the ginning process were oft times in the
cotton and would spark fires when coming into contact
with the machines.
On one occasion, after
I had taken Supervision of the engineering department,
J. B. Lanford who was Mill Superintendent at the time,
called me about 1 in the morning saying that a major
fire had broken out in the card room and most of the
aprons were burned. He said, “we have only enough cotton
processed to keep the mill running for about five or six
hours, we desperately need aprons .” I told him to call
the supplier in Gastonia, N. C., telling him we would be
there in about an hour to pick up the needed aprons.
I had just purchased a
new 55 Ford Mercury with a large trunk which had a
kilometer rather than a speedometer. Picking J. B. up at
his office, we took off to Gastonia. When I got on the
interstate, I set the car on about 95 which meant I was
doing about 75. I had not explained the difference to J.
B. After traveling for a while, I asked J. B. where we
should turn off. He said, “back about a quarter mile”. I
asked, “why didn’t you tell me”. “Man“, he said, “at 95
I couldn’t hardly get my breath, much less talking”. We
picked up the needed aprons and on the way back I told
him about the difference in the speedometer and we
laughed about that incident all the way back home and
for a long time after.

Glendale village fire
protection in the early 1900s was limited to the
stationary fire water pump, the river water storage tank
previously mentioned , four and six inch cast iron water
lines up the village streets, a few scattered fire
hydrants and a few small ten by ten hose houses,
strategically located throughout the village. A two
wheel hand drawn hose cart holding several hundred feet
of fire hose, a hose wrench and a fire hydrant wrench
was stored in each hose house. Shop personnel formed the
fire brigade and manned the carts in case of fires.

The first two fresh
water wells of which I have any record or knowledge of,
were located adjacent to the Bivingsville Cotton Mill
and among the first houses that were built in the
village. The well adjacent to the mill, by electric
pump, supplied fresh water for drinking and rest room
facilities in the mill. Incidentally, when Glendale
plant #2 was built in 1890, it was built over this well
and it was still supplying water in the 1950s. The
second well was located on Main Street directly behind
Dr. Biving’s house. A hand pump was installed in that
one well. As the village grew, wells from which water
was drawn by bucket, were located at central locations
on most every street. It was not until 1917 that fresh
water was piped into each village house and toilet
facilities were added.
In an article
presented in the Tenth Annual report of the Commissioner
of Agriculture, Commerce and Industries in 1918, (I have
a copy) Mr. Wilton Lindsay, President of D. E. Converse
Co. (Glendale Mills Division) at that time, reported
that “in the past year we have installed septic tank
closets in our mill village and contracted for electric
lights and a movie projector was purchased for the
Community building.” A flat, box like sink was also
In order to run fresh
water to the homes, the trunk lines which had supplied
river water to the village fire hydrants for fire
protection for some 15 years, were converted to fresh
water lines. This required that a valve located under
the cloth warehouse which controlled the river water to
the hydrants, be cut off and the lines purged. After
that date, all fires in the village were fought with
fresh water from mill company wells. Though the river
water valve had been closed for many years, it remained
in the line when I left the mill. A fresh water storage
tank was erected at the side of the Glendale Baptist

A new fire water
pumping and pressure control station providing
protection for the mills, store and warehouses, was
built between Plant #3 and the cloth warehouse in the
late 1940s. John T. Varner Jr. was shop foreman at the
time and was placed in charge of maintaining these
systems. Big pressure gauges showed if the lines were
charged properly. The fire insurance inspector came from
time to time, unexpectedly, to see that all
specifications were being met.
On one occasion, at
the inspector’s request, John started the pumps and when
the pressure got to the maximum point at which it was to
be operated, John cut the pump back. The inspector asked
if that was as high as it would go? “Of course not” John
replied, “but if I take it higher, pipes will pop.”.
George Hodge, who was the mill Engineer at that time,
told John to “bring it on up.”“O.K“. John replied, “but
look for some pipes to burst”. Speeding the pump up,
suddenly all pressure was lost. Hearing a noise and
looking out the window, they saw the fire hydrant behind
the mill office had popped out of the ground with water
gushing everywhere. That was the last time anyone asked
John to bring pressure up above what he knew was to be
the maximum.

By 1954, with all
homes in the village having been remodeled, additional
toilet facilities and a sewage treatment system
installed, additional fresh water wells having been
purchased, a new 60,000 gallon fresh water tank was
added supplying the village with sufficient storage of
fresh water for drinking, bathing, sewer and fire
protection which was still limited to the company fire
brigade and hose carts.
After the houses had
been sold, knowing that the company would no longer
provide fire protection, Mr. deLoach, Executive Vice
President and General Manager of Glendale Mills, felt
that a volunteer fire department needed to be organized.
Being Supervisor of the engineering department, Mr.
deLoach asked me (Clarence Crocker) to work up some
figures for his information on the cost of such,
including the insurance savings home owners would save
by having a fire department.
Checking with
insurance carriers, I found that the insurance savings
per year in most all cases would be greater than the
estimated membership cost per year. After discussing the
material which I had gathered with Mr. deLoach, he
suggested that the fire truck could be housed in the old
company garage, saving the cost of a new building. Since
this was to be a homeowners project, Mr. deLoach
discussed this matter with Jack Key and Ernest Alley.
After giving them the assurance of the companies
support, they took up the suggestion and began
canvassing the village home owners concerning the fire
protection plans.
In 1958 a Public
meeting was held in which they were successful in
organizing the Glendale Area Fire Protection
Association, Inc. with a roster of 29 volunteer fireman.
Ten Directors were elected. W. T. Rothrock Jr.,
Chairman; Howard Lee, Treasurer; E. F. Alley, Vice
Chairman; E. C. Hopper, Secretary; Clarence E. Crocker,
E. C. Brown, W. A. Jones, Howard Millwood, W. T.
Rothrock, Sr. Jack Key was elected as the first Fire
Chief and Ernest Alley was elected as assistant Fire
Chief. Membership fees were set at ten dollars per year
per household. Plans for the purchase of the first fire
truck by a loan through the First National Bank was

The first fire truck,
an American LaFrance, was purchased at a cost of
approximately $14,000. Having no fire station, the truck
was stored in the old mill company barn where the dray
mules and dray wagons were once housed. It had been
renovated for the mill store and mill trucks. The barn
was located between the old Community building and the
old tin cotton warehouse.

The fire department volunteers took an active
role in community affairs. In 1960 they collected and
prepared toys to give to Glendale Children. See the
photo at Christmas
Today, Glendale fire
Department has a large fire station located on Church
Street on the old school grounds, in the heart of the
village. It was built in 1964 at a cost of approximately
$500,000. It also has a well equipped satellite station
at the intersection of Brown and Bethesda roads which
was built in 1994 at a cost of approximately $ 220,000.
Today the department has 9 trucks; 3 pumper trucks, 1
ladder truck, 1 rescue truck, 2-1700 gallon tankers, 1-
4400 gallon tanker, 1 brush truck and other equipment at
a total cost of approximately $ 1,545,000.

At the beginning, all
fireman were volunteers. Today they have 6 full time
paid fireman and 17 volunteers. Robert Brown, Sr. was
elected Fire Chief in 1976 and remains such as of this
writing. (August 2010) Robert Brown Jr. is assistant
Chief. Present fire Directors are; Edward E. Brown, Jeff
McKinnish, Terry Gilmer, Glenn Hammett and William
(Billy) Gossett.
Personally, and I
believe their record proves me out, Glendale has a Fire
department second to none. They are professional and
efficient. During the few times I have been able to
observe them in action, I was impressed by their sincere
concern and responsibility. My hat’s off to our Fire
Department. Glendale community is indeed fortunate to
have such a fine fire department.
Today, the village of
Glendale and most of the immediate surrounding area, is
furnished water and sewer services by the Spartanburg
Water Works of Spartanburg, S.C. Both fresh water tanks
have been removed. Only the old river water storage tank
located on Douglas Street used for fire protection in
1902, stands idle by the side of the road collecting
rust, bird nests and wild vines. I did notice what
appears to be a radio antenna mounted at the top when I
last passed by. In bygone years, when they caught Mr.
Quinn, the village Policeman looking the other way,
adventurous boys would dare climb the tank and write or
draw on the side.
When I went down to
take a picture of the tank back in early 2010, I stood
there and began to reminiscence. I became very
sentimental. Looking down the street, I saw the burned
skeleton towers and smoke stacks standing like a tall
statue, as a monument to a once vibrant mill, the bread
basket for hundreds of workers and their families for
almost 150 years. The once beautiful home of the
Twichells, was slowly but surely decaying. The stately
mansion of Dr. Bivings, founder and builder of the mill
and village, which at one time would have been a “must
see” showplace in any town, stood in disrepair.
Looking up the street,
I saw the houses where some of the finest people that
could be found anywhere, once lived. Sadly, there were
no more Alleys, Cash, Warrens, Murrays, Hammetts,
Nichols, Burgess, Gregorys, Mittags. The old generation
was all gone. I am so proud to have known them and call
them, “friends“. The street seems empty without them but
precious memories makes standing there worth while. The
Methodist Church which had it’s beginning as the
Community Church with the founding of the village some
175 years ago, was closed. Its impact on the community
can never be measured. Some of the first schooling the
children of Glendale had in the early 1800’s, was in the
Community Church. Main and Mill Street signs have long
since been taken down and for the most part, forgotten.
Incidentally, I know of no native son or daughter of
Glendale living in the village today who is as old as
this writer, 85years, nine months. (wow! -1029 months) I
have had a good and blessed life for which I am truly
grateful to God.
On a second visit to
the water tank, I was reminded how that time and life
moves on. The charred remains of the burned mill have
been cleaned up, grass planted, the area landscaped. The
property has been donated to Wofford College. They have
had the Mill office renovated and is now occupied by
College classes.

Glendale Avenue and
Douglas Street have taken the place of Main and Mill.
The Bivings Mansion was being restored. The houses on
the street have been painted, many remodeled and new
families have moved in. Though it doesn’t look the same,
the sight is pleasant and hope runs high. Yes, life
moves on and so must I if I am to finish the nuggets of
Glendale history which I hope to write and post before I
too, pass on.
My sincere
appreciation to Chief Robert Brown for supplying me with
figures and names regarding the Glendale Fire
This web site has been started as a
public service to share the story of Glendale.
See more information about Mary and her Glendale
connection at Mary McKinney