Elmond Earl Crocker
(Glendale Native - Killed in Work Accident)
Story furnished by Clarence
The following article appeared in the Spartanburg Herald
on July 26, 1934.

Elmond E. Crocker the
youngest of Earl and Ida Spearman Crocker’s three
children, was born February 29, 1908 and was killed by
accident July 25, 1934. He was the first cousin of this
Natives of the
Glendale community, Elmond’s father and grandfather were
born in a mill house on Broadway Street while his
brother Farrell and sister Venice were born in a mill
house on Church street across from the Methodist Church
in the village of Glendale. Elmond was born in the new
home his father and mother had built on a small farm on
the Glendale/Clifton road at the Cedar Crossing.

In addition to their
work in Glendale Mills, they did some small scale
farming. Elmond’s father died when Elmond was seven
years old. His mother married Lee Ledford, a textile
worker and they continued to live on the farm.
Getting up early to do
the farm work they would have to go to the barn, feed
the horse and wait for him to eat before going to the
fields. To avoid that wait Elmond and his brother
Farrell, rigged a device which automatically dropped
feed from the barn loft down to the horse early in the
morning so he would eat and be ready to plow when they
went for him.
I was told that Elmond
was a real prankster in his teens and early twenties. He
was always pulling some kind of stunt or show-off act.
His first car was a T model Ford coupe in which he was
always “cutting-up”. When the windshield got broken he
replaced it by installing a house window. In late 1930
or early 31, Elmond bought a new Nash automobile and one
of the first things he did was to set up a race with his
cousin, Herman Corn, who had just purchased a new
Elmond was a gifted,
versatile mechanic and electrician. After first working
in Glendale mills for a short while, he went with J.
Frank Blakely Electrical Contractors of Spartanburg for
a number of years. Leaving Blakely’s, he went with the
Spartanburg city electrical department where he became a
department foreman.
As the above
Spartanburg Herald news states, he was killed instantly
when the pole he had climbed to make repairs broke.
After seeing the condition of the pole, Elmond was
advised that it might be best for him to have one of his
men to climb the pole to which he replied, “I don’t ask
a man to do a job I am afraid to do my self,” proceeding
to do the repair. When the last wire was cut, the pole
broke, falling to the ground, crushing him between the
pole and the ground.

Elmond had married
Faye Coates some four years before his death. he was the
daughter of Marion and Nettie Lominac Coates of
Glendale. At the time of his death they were living in
three rooms on Holy Hill (Chapel Street today) but had
already made the down payment on a house on the
Glendale/Clifton road into which they were planning to
move and make their home.

Elmond’s funeral was
held in the Glendale Baptist Church where he had been a
member for a number of years. Interment followed in the
Crocker Square in the Glendale Cemetery along side of
his father who had died on April 13, 1915.
Following Elmond’s
death, Faye married Horace W. Wood of Spartanburg. They
were the parents of two sons; Barry and Marion G. Woods.
Horace died at the age of 43 in February of 1962.
Faye had retired as a
patient information operator with Spartanburg Regional
Hospital before her death on August 18, 1992. She was
survived by her two sons, two grandsons and a brother,
Jack Coats of Drayton, S.C.
This web site has been started as a
public service to share the story of Glendale.
See more information about Mary and her Glendale
connection at Mary McKinney