Glendale Street Names
Many of the street names in Glendale have
changed over the years. This sometimes makes it difficult
to relate historical accounts about the town to correspond
to modern day street names. The biggest changes to the
names came shortly after 1949. The newly formed Glendale Ruritan Club had a
project to improve the roads and streets and to make sure
that all of the streets were marked. Part of this project
involved changing the names of all the streets except
three. The names of Broadway, Church and State Streets
were not changed. The following changes were made:
Clifton Street became Chafin Street
East-line became Oakleaf but was later combined with
Car-line Street into Wheeling Circle
Shady Street became Douglas Street
Cross-line and Bishop Hill were combined into one and
became Jackson Street
Mill Street became Glendale Ave.
Holy Hill became Chapel Street
Sixteen Street became Highland Street
Highway By-pass became Stifel Road
Maps of the community, including the current
street names, are shown on the link, Village Maps.
This web site has
been started as a public service to share the story of
Glendale. See more information about Mary and
her Glendale connection at Mary
McKinney Teaster.