Glendale Ruritan Club
Charter # 281
The following story about the Glendale Ruritan Club was furnished by Mr. Clarence Crocker, a life long Glendale resident.![]()
The Glendale Ruritan Club was chartered by Ruritan National on April 30,1949 with these twenty six members:
Fred Nash Marvin D. Lindsey William E. Solesby
Jessie L. Murph Francis M. New Oscar B. Baker
Ed. D. Rush J.C. Thompson T. H. Rhinehart
Paul R. Crocker Loyd Hyder F. Del Padgett
Louis D deLoach John Y Dupre J. B. Lanford
Cleveland Burgess Albert W. Crocker C.F. Grant
F. M. Mason Rev. T. L. Hottel J. R. Reaves Jr.
Elbert C. Hopper Clarence E. Crocker Will Quinn
Thomas M. Blanton John LeMaster
John Y. Dupre was elected President with Clarence E. Crocker being elected as secretary. Will Quinn was elected Sergeant at Arms.
Others who joined the club during 1949 were; Albert Wilson, Elmer Oxner. More members were added but I do not have their names as some records have been lost. We were awarded a plaque in January 1950 by the president of Ruritan National, Peck Gray for having been instrumental in the formation of a new club in Jonesville, S. C. in our first year of existence. We assisted in the formation of other clubs over the years of our existence. Others who served the club as President over the years were, J. R. Reaves, Fred Nash, Clarence E. Crocker and James Lovelace. Marvin D. Lindsey and Pete Brown served as Vice President, Elbert C. Hopper and Albert Crocker served as Treasurer and Henry Childress served as Secretary.
The club was active in community affairs. Working with the county authorities, we sought improvement in the roads and streets. Working with the Mill Officials we spearheaded the marking of all village streets with metal signs. All street names were changed except three, Broadway, Church and State streets. Clifton street was changed to Chafin street. East-line was changed to Oakleaf but later combined with Car-line street into one, becoming Wheeling Circle. Shady Street was changed to Douglas Street and Cross-line and Bishop Hill were combined as one street becoming known as Jackson Street. Mill street was changed to Glendale Ave. and Holy Hill was changed to Chapel. Sixteen street was changed to Highland and Highway By-pass was named Stifel Road. The Club purchased and presented to the Community Nurse, Erlene Bates, an oxygen unit to be used by anyone in the community needing oxygen in their home.(see picture attached) A wheelchair as well as two or three pair of crutches were also provided for persons of the community when needed.
Unfortunately, as we were just beginning to take hold and reach out to others, talk of the village and the Mill being sold along with the departure of a number of our members, interest in the club was lost and the club folded.
This web site has been started as a public service to share the story of Glendale. See more information about Mary and her Glendale connection at Mary McKinney Teaster.