Post Offices and Postal Officials
Bivingsville and Glendale, South Carolina
(By Clarence E. Crocker, life long (85 yrs) resident of the community, former Postmaster and also a Supervisor with Glendale Mills for some 10 years.)The Bivingsville, S.C. Post Office
According to the S.C. Archives, the Bivingsville S.C. Post Office opened as a fourth class office on December 5, 1837. I have only been able to find the names of two persons who served as Postmaster during it’s short span of operation, December, 1837 through June, 1867.
Dr. James Bivings, is listed as the first Postmaster of the Bivingsville Post Office. Postal history tells us that persons with reasonable cause could make application for a post office in their community. It could be a business man, a company or group of interested residents. If approved, a small fourth class post office would be opened on private property, most often in the applicant’s place of business, home or another place of their choice. The exception to this rule was that no post office could be located in, or joining a bar room. The applicant was most often named as Postmaster/Postmistress. Obviously, Dr. Bivings as founder of the mill and village, made application for the Post office which was no doubt located in the same building with his office, resulting in his appointment as Postmaster.
Postmasters at small Fourth Class Post Offices in early days were allowed to use someone of their choosing, at their expense, to assist in the office. With Bivingsville having only the mill and a dozen or so houses, we can only assume that there was very little mail or postal business. Since transportation was primarily by horseback or horse and buggy, mail most likely arrived only once or twice a week, if that often. I assume that Dr. Bivings used one of his employees to operate the Post Office, perhaps his son, James D. Bivings, who was later named Postmaster of the Crawfordsville post office where he and his father had partnered in founding the Crawfordsville Cotton Mill (Fairmont,S.C.) after leaving Bivingsville.
Dr. Bivings had married Susan Von Storre and had built a large Greek Revival style family home in Bivingsville directly in front of the mill on what was called Main Street at that time. While I have been unable to get my hands on a family register, according to land conveyance deeds which I have seen, they were the parents of at least three children. On February 12, 1848, a large track of land was deeded to his son, James D. Bivings. On February 19, 1848, “for one dollar and natural affection and love for my daughter” he conveyed a large track to Susan E. Bivings Cleveland and her husband, John. Another large track was deeded to Kiddy Catherine Wingo on June 28, 1848, “in consideration of the natural good will and affection which I have for my daughter”. Catherine Bivings had married Alexander Wingo.
Dr. Bivings built another large Greek style home on North Church Street in Spartanburg, S.C. about 1854 into which he and the family moved after leaving Bivingsville and was later sold to his brother in-law, John Evins. Both stand today. He also built a large house outside of Crawfordsville which burned some years ago. According to the history written by Dr. J. B. Landrum, Dr. Bivings being a “tee-totaler,” had organized “The Bivingsville Total Abstinence Society Club” before leaving Bivingsville. The following members were listed; Dr. James Bivings, James D. Bivings, G. B. Brown, Newton Haynes, William Anderson and Birdsong Tollison.
Obviously Dr. Bivings was a very versatile man. He was a licensed Physician, entrepreneur, business manager, realtor, Postmaster and a dedicated Christian Church worker. He built the first church in Bivingsville. Born in Edenton, N.C. on April 28, 1787, Dr. Bivings died August 16, 1869. His obituary was published in the Carolina/Spartan, Sept.23, 1869 Page 3. He was buried in the Fairmont Methodist Cemetery, Fairmont, S.C. Unfortunately, copies of his obituary were not available when I checked.
For more details about Dr. Bivings, click on Mill Story and Medical Story.
James M. Bagwell had been commissioned as Postmaster at Bivingsville by 1851 according to a Postal bulletin posted by Goggle as well as the 1859 official postal guide, page 22. Though I have found only a few references to James M. Bagwell, what I have found indicates that he was an official of the mill. Perhaps a Bookkeeper or Secretary. I have found records where he signed as a witness in January, 1850 to the purchase of land by E. C. Lietner who was a partner in the ownership and operation of the mill at that time. Most likely, the post office was still in the same building with the mill office which also makes it likely that he was a mill official. While I have no records which verify the Post office location in 1837, I do have records indicating that the mill office, post office and Doctor’s office were all located in the old wooden mill store building which was completed during or before 1859.
Records indicate that fourth class Postmasters at that time were “commissioned” by the Postmaster General. They did not have a fixed salary but were given a commission based on the office receipts. Receipts included funds received from postage, box rent, the sale of waste paper, old newspapers, printed matter and twine plus money order sales. Records show that postal rates in the early 1800s were according to sheets of paper rather than weight. A letter of one sheet, cost 6 cents up to 50 miles. Ten cents per sheet up to 90 miles. A letter mailed to Washington, D.C. containing one sheet cost 25 cents, three sheets cost 75 cents. U.S. postage stamps were not issued until July 1, 1847.
The Postmaster’s commission could never exceed total receipts. In many instances, receipts were less than $100.00 for the year. This meant that the Postmaster’s earnings for the year was less than $100.00. Though I have no records showing exactly what Dr. Bivings or Mr. Bagwell’s annual earnings were, according to the postal guides of that date, which I have seen, it was perhaps in the $75 to $100 range. Out of that commission, some were required to buy ink to postmark the mail along with other supplies.
Due to their small earnings, Postmasters/Postmistresses in small villages were allowed to have jobs on the side to make additional income. Many ran stores or other types of business along with their Post office responsibilities. Some Postmistresses were seamstress and took in sewing on the side. In Mr. Bagwell’s case, he no doubt was on the company payroll. Incidentally, though some still refer to lady Postmasters as Postmistress, the term was deleted from postal terminology years ago. Male or female, they are all classified as Postmasters today.
The Bivingsville Post Office was closed June 10, 1867. I have found no recorded reason for the closing. Perhaps this was due to the Civil War. The “History of Post Offices in the Confederate States” tells us that the Postal Department of the Confederate States which had seceded from the Nation was established February 21, 1861 with John Regan being appointed Postmaster General by Jefferson Davis, President of the southern states. Accordingly, the National U.S. Postal service started stopping mail service to the southern states May 31,1861, thus closing many offices. Apparently the Bivingsville finally got caught in the squeeze.
The Glendale Post OfficeThe name Bivingsville, having been changed to Glendale at the suggestion of Mrs. Dexter Converse whose husband, Dexter E. Converse was the major stock holder and President of the mill at that time, the Glendale Post office opened on April 19, 1878. According to the U.S. Postal Service, since 1878 the Glendale Post Office has had 15 Postmasters, 6 Acting Postmasters and 5 Officers in Charge through this date, May 2010.
Albert H. Twichell was listed as Postmaster of the Glendale Post Office when it opened in 1878, serving until 1890. At eighteen years of age, Albert came to Bivingsville in 1859 to be a bookkeeper and clerk in the Mill Store. When the Civil War broke out, he enlisted as a Confederate soldier. Returning to Glendale after some 4 years of military service in the Confederate Army, he built a home known as the “Twichell Home” on the opposite side of Main street (now named Douglas) from the Bivings House in which his brother in-law, Dexter Converse and his family lived.
At the time he was appointed Postmaster, Mr. Twichell was a partner in the ownership of the newly organized D.E. Converse Co. and was serving as Secretary/Treasurer. He had no doubt applied for the opening of the Glendale Post office and was named Postmaster. Postal records show that Mr. Twichell’s commission for the year 1878 was $184.52. At that time there were some 60 houses in the village and we know that the Post office was located in the mill store building where the mill office was located. Following the death of Dexter Converse in 1899, Mr. Twichell became President of the D. E. Converse Corporation and had built a new home on Pine Street in Spartanburg, S.C. where he was living when he died. For more about Mr. Twichell read Mill Presidents.
Sometime in the late 1800s or early 1900s, the Post Office was moved from the old store building into the Community building. Though various dates have been given, I have not been able to establish the exact date.
John W. White was Commissioned Postmaster April 26, 1890, serving only a few months. Unfortunately, I have not been able to find any record on Mr. White other than this info furnished by the U.S. Postal Service.
W.E. Lindsay
Wilton E. Lindsay was Commissioned Postmaster September 4, 1890 and remained as such until early 1901. Mr. Lindsay had come to Glendale from Charleston, S. C. in 1879 and was serving as Bookkeeper of the D. E. Converse Co. when he was appointed Postmaster. He and his family lived in the “Bivings House” which was now owned by the mill company. Following the death of Mr. Twichell in 1916, Wilton became President of the Glendale Division of the D. E. Converse Corporation. Many landmark improvements were made to the mill and the village during his time as President.
For more information on Mr. Lindsay, click on Mill Presidents.
Beginning in the early 1900s, mail was brought from the Spartanburg Post office to Glendale by the electric street (trolley) car .
Joseph Alexander Brown, came to Glendale as a young man and was commissioned as Glendale Postmaster April 25, 1901. Born August 11, 1846, it is believed that he was a native of Poland inasmuch as his daughters told the foster children which they had raised, that they had Polish blood. He was a veteran of the Confederate army, loosing a leg in the battle of Gettysburg. Joe married a local lady by the name of Margaret (Mollie) Elizabeth Crocker, a distant relative of this writer. According to her tomb marker, she was born May 22, 1844 and died March 2 1904. Joe died January 11, 1919. I personally confirmed these dates on their grave markers.
His obituary published in the Spartanburg Journal on January 11, 1919, stated that; “J. A. Brown, postmaster at Glendale for 18 years, passed away this morning at 2 o’clock. He had been in failing health for several years but his death was not expected. He had a gallant record in the Confederate army and was regarded as one of the bravest men of his command. He was a well known man and probably one of the best loved citizens of Glendale.” The article also stated that he had resigned his position about two weeks earlier due to his declining health but was still active at the time of his death. On January 12, 1919, a second obituary was published in the Spartanburg Journal page 6, stating that “he had died yesterday morning at 3 o’clock at his home“. Both obituaries showed time of death differently and listed his survivors wrong. Joe was the father of six children; three daughters, Blanche, Mintie, Mallie, three sons, Albert, Eddie and Jessie. All were living at the time of his death.
Though I never knew Mr. Brown personally, I did come to know all his children. All but one, Eddie, who lived and worked in Converse, lived and died in Glendale and worked in the mill most of their lives. This writer visited in their homes many times. His son Albert, was card room overseer in Glendale Mills for many years and died April 11, 1942. His son Jessie, was a supervisor in the weave room at Glendale and died September 19, 1955 while I was a supervisor with the mill also. Joe, his wife and most of the children, are buried in the Glendale Cemetery. Mallie, born February 17, 1877 never married. She died April 3, 1951 and is buried in the square with her mother and father. My brother’s and I served as pall bearers in all but one or two of his children’s funerals.
(For more information on the Brown family see Joe Brown Family.)
On November 16, 1913, in accordance with Pres. Wilson’s order of May 7, 1913, the Civil Service Commission announced the beginning of Civil service examination for the position of fourth class Postmasters in five states. After that date, Postmasters were not to be commissioned or appointed on political recommendations only, but according to the spirit and letter of the civil service law. This rule was later expanded to include all fourth Class Postmasters of all states. Accordingly, following Joe’s death, an article was published in the Spartanburg paper stating that a Civil Service examination would be held in Spartanburg on January 25th for the purpose of filling the vacancy.
Edward Henry Walden, a local resident, was appointed Postmaster January 14, 1921 and died in February of 1922. He had no doubt been serving as acting Postmaster since Joe Brown’s death in January 1919 in that his family reported in his obituary that he had served as Glendale Postmaster for several years. Mr. Walden was twice married. His first wife’s name, date of birth and death is not known. Their one daughter Annie, was born in 1891 and was raised by his second wife as her own. Henry later married Minnie Jane Harmon and they had a wonderful family consisting of eight children; two girls, Juanita and Minnie and six boys, John, Edward, George, Albert, Earl and Ralph.
Mr. Walden lived with his family on a small farm known as “the Walden Place”. Containing some 25 acres located off the Lewis Chapel road just about one mile north of the village, joining the Glendale Mills farm/wood land. The farm included a mine shaft in which gold prospectors mined for gold in the 18 and early 1900s. The shaft has been covered by the present owner. Records in the Glendale Mills office showed that gold prospectors were indeed in the area during that period of time. A prospector by the name of W. Thomas Briant got a lease from the Bivingsville Cotton Mfg. Co. in 1844 to prospect for gold. Another prospector referred to as Mr. Webb searched for gold in 1914 in the Glendale meadows. Compensation to the Mill Company was to be according to the value of the gold mined. While no amount of gold mined was ever listed to this writer’s knowledge, I heard some old timers who were born back in the 18 and early 1900s, tell about gold that was found by the prospectors.
Though I never knew Mr. Walden, I knew all his family. Their farm was just about a quarter mile behind our home place and we were all good friends. We visited the family and they visited us. We attended school together. We went to the gold mine on numerous occasions. Some went in, I never did. Mr. Walden died of an heart attack. His obituary appearing in the Spartanburg Journal on February 19, 1922 stated; “he had died on Sunday morning and that his funeral was held yesterday afternoon at the Cedar Springs Baptist Church where he had been a faithful member for 40 years with interment following in the Church Cemetery”. He was 52 years of age and was survived by his three daughters; Mrs. Clyde Petrie of Cedar Springs, S.C., Mrs. Minnie Camp of Spartanburg, S.C. and Miss Juanita Walden of Glendale. Six sons; John W., Albert, Edward, George, Earl and Ralph, all of Glendale, S.C.
After Mr. Walden’s death, Mrs. Walden, with the children who were still at home, moved into a house on the corner of the upper Glendale Cemetery entrance about half a mile from the mill, later moving into a mill house in the mill village. Mrs. Walden’s obituary which appeared in the Spartanburg Herald and Journal on Wednesday, September 8, 1960, stated that she had died in a Columbia Hospital on Tuesday afternoon following a long illness and was buried alongside of her husband in the Cedar Springs Cemetery. She was 85 years of age and was survived by all her children, 24 grandchildren, 25 great grandchildren and 4 great-great grandchildren; one brother, George Harmon of Charlotte, N.C. She was living with one of her sons just outside the Glendale Community at Route 2, Spartanburg, S.C. prior to her hospitalization.
Nellie Blanche Brown Crocker was appointed Acting Postmaster March 17, 1922 and was appointed Postmaster on April 27, 1922. A native of Glendale, she was born in 1878, the daughter of Joe and Mollie Brown. She was a very active lady in community work and was loved and appreciated by all who knew her. Mrs. Crocker lived in front of the mill in a company house located on Mill Street, as it was called at that time. She married John S. Crocker who was born April 6, 1862 and died December 30, 1925. He was buried in the Brown Square in the Glendale Cemetery.
Aunt Blanche, as she was affectionately called, died January 13, 1967 at 88 years of age. Her obituary appearing in the Spartanburg Herald stated; “she died in the Spartanburg General Hospital and the services were to be held at the Glendale Baptist Church where she was a member.” She was buried in the Brown Square along side of her husband with her mother and father and sister Mallie. She was survived by two foster daughters; Mrs. Nellie Ruth Wortman and Nancy Lou Fowler, both of the home. Also one foster son, Paul E. Fowler of Dublin, Va. and eight foster grandchildren.
Charles H Sams was appointed Acting Postmaster on September 9, 1929 and was appointed Postmaster on February 3, 1930. Born June 6, 1879, Mr. Sams had moved into the Glendale community from North Carolina in the late 1800s. Working in the Glendale Mill store as bookkeeper for a number of years before being appointed Postmaster, he became well known and a very prominent resident of the area. He and his family lived in their two story family home on a small farm which was located about one mile above the mill on the Glendale/Clifton road at “The Cedar Crossing”. He and members of his family were for many years, among the leaders of the Glendale Baptist Church.
The salary of the Postmaster being small at that time, Mr. Sams ran a shoe repair shop in the room joining the Post office for additional income. He also did some farming and operated a potato curing house in which community farmers could cure their sweet potatoes for a small fee. He had bought the old mill store building, had it torn down and using the lumber, built the potato curing house along with a small tenant house on his farm.
The trolley to Glendale was replaced by bus service in 1935 which began to transport mail between Spartanburg and Glendale.
Mr. Sams died unexpectedly September 1, 1939 at the age of 60. His obituary published in the Spartanburg Herald September 2, 1939, stated that; “his health had been declining for a number of years, yet he attended to his duties as Postmaster on yesterday and died last night at his home as a result of a sudden massive heart attack”. He had resided in Glendale for more than 40 years. He had served as a Deacon in the church for many years and was a Woodman of the World.
Funeral services were held in the Glendale Baptist Church with interment in the Sams square in the upper Glendale cemetery. He was survived by his wife, Atlas Tweed Sams, (June 6, 1885-Aug.13, 1971) three sons; Farold V., Everett E. and J. Neal Sams. and two daughters; Myrtle and Alice Sams, all of Glendale. He was also survived by two brothers; B. B. Sams, Asheville, N.C., A.H. Sams, Marshall, N.C. Five sisters; Mrs. R. Gosnell, Weaverville. N. C., Mrs. John Flasher, Just, N.C., Mrs. Jake Tipton, Picabo, Idaho, Mrs. Fred Rice, Marshall, N.C. and Mrs. Hubert Sprinkle, Asheville, N.C. and seven grandchildren,
Myrtle Ruth Sams, having worked with her father before his death, was appointed Acting Postmaster on September 25, 1939 and was appointed Postmaster on February 17, 1940. A native of the Glendale community, the daughter of Charles and Atlas Tweed Sams, was born August 13, 1917 and was living with the family at the time of her father’s death. Myrtle was a member of the Glendale Baptist church where she was very active as a SS Teacher, BYPU leader and as a member of the choir. She was known and loved by everyone in the community. Being a very dedicated Christian, she retired in 1945 to enter school to prepare for school and mission work. She graduated from North Greenville Jr. College, Carson Newman College, and Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. She retired as a French and English instructor. Myrtle never married.
Her obituary in the Spartanburg Herald and Journal showed that she died following a long illness on Saturday morning August 1, 1981 in the Spartanburg General Hospital. She was 63 years of age. Her funeral service was held in the Glendale Baptist Church with interment following in the Sams square in the upper Glendale community cemetery. She was survived by one sister; Alice Sams Padgett of Savannah. Ga. Two brothers; Farold Sams of Glendale, S, C, and Neal Sams of Bristol, Tenn.
By the 1940s, mail was being brought to Glendale from Spartanburg by a star route contractor named, Willie Nichols.
Mary Lola Pettit who was serving as a part time postal clerk under Miss Sams, was appointed Acting Postmaster August 8, 1945. Lola was a native of Spartanburg County, the daughter of Mr. John and Mary Thompson, Route 2 Spartanburg, S.C. She had one sister, Lillie Belle Thompson and one brother, J. Calvin Thompson. Lola was married to John Pettit who was serving as Bookkeeper in the D. E. Converse Co. mill stores. They were the parents of two children; one daughter, Sara Pettit and one son, Jack Pettit. They lived on their farm just outside of Cowpens, S.C., in the Thompson Chapel area of Spartanburg County.
Clarence Edward Crocker, this writer, a native of Spartanburg county, was appointed Acting Postmaster December 31, 1946 and was appointed Postmaster, July 2, 1947. I had been working some three years as a postal clerk in the Spartanburg Post Office when I was approached by Mr. Jervey Dupre, President of D. E. Converse Co./Glendale Mills Division, about taking the exam for the Postmaster’s position at Glendale. After passing the exam, I transferred to Glendale as acting Postmaster. Glendale was a third class office at the time and my salary was in the 6 to 7 thousand dollar range. Ruth McGraw was working as a part time postal clerk at the time of my appointment. With Ruth taking a leave shortly after my appointment, Juanita Seals Crocker (my wife) served as part time clerk.
My wife and I had only two children while I was serving as Postmaster, Judy Marlene and Clarence Wayne. Our third child, Kathy June, was born after I had left the Post Office. We were living in our home on the farm, located about one mile above the mill at the corner of Glendale/Clifton and Lewis Chapel road. I was a member of the Glendale Baptist church, serving as Deacon, treasurer, S.S. teacher, Training Union leader and choir member. I was also serving as a Trustee of Glendale School District No. 39.
I resigned as Postmaster in July of 1948, becoming an Associate with Glendale Mills, serving as Personnel Consultant, Mill Store and concessions manager. I later assumed the supervision of the engineering department. Following my resignation, Ruth McGraw returned to the Post Office and was appointed Acting Postmaster. Juanita Crocker continued to serve as part time clerk for a short while.
My oldest daughter, Judy died from cancer July 21. 1993. My first wife, Juanita, died from cancer December 21, 1994 and I married Katherine Mathis Lee, the widow of Howard Lee, February 14, 1996.
Ruth E. McGraw was appointed Acting Postmaster July 15, 1948. A native of Forest City, N.C., she was the daughter of Mr. Lee and Cordeliah Johnson Proctor. Having moved to the Spartanburg area in the early forties, she married Ralph McGraw, a Glendale resident. They had one son, Donald, and lived in their home on the Glendale/Whitestone road. She was a member of the Glendale Baptist Church where she served as a SS Teacher, SS Secretary, Choir member and soloist.
James Hicks Lovelace was appointed Postmaster on October 19, 1949 and served until May of 1971. A native of Spartanburg county, he was the son of George Durham and Melissa Blackwell Lovelace. He married Miss. Cecile Coats of Glendale and they were the parents of four children. He was a member of the Glendale United Methodist Church where he had served as a S.S. teacher, former S.S. Superintendent, a member of the Glendale Masonic Lodge, the Woodman of the World and the Glendale Ruritan Club, serving as President for one term. He was a veteran of WW2 and retired as a Lt. Col. of the USAF. He and his family lived in their home which was located just a short distance above the old Glendale Ball Park on the Glendale/Country Club road.
His obituary published in the Spartanburg Herald & Journal Wednesday, January 16, 1974, stated that: “Mr. Lovelace died at 3;30 PM, January 15, in the Spartanburg General Hospital following a brief illness. He was 67 years of age. He was survived by his wife, one son; Stephen P. Lovelace, three daughters; Mrs. Susan Sears, Tulsa, Okla, Mrs. Jane Mauk, Montgomery, Ala. and Mrs. Kay Gowan, Spartanburg, S.C. He was also survived by six sisters; Dr. Roberta Lovelace, Columbia, S.C., Mrs. Ruth Lane, Savannah, Ga., Mrs. Ada Kinsey, Phoenix, Ariz., Mrs. Janet Phillips, Mrs. Hortense Pack and Mrs. Alice Williams all of Spartanburg, S.C. Two brothers; Wallace G. of Spartanburg, S. C., Hollis E. of Greer, S.C. and eleven grandchildren.” Funeral services were held at the Glendale United Methodist Church with interment following in the Sunset Memorial Park.
In 1949 the new community Gymnasium which had been built by Glendale Mills, replaced the old Community Building and became the new home of the Glendale Post Office.
Ruth E McGraw was appointed Officer In Charge following Mr. Lovelace retirement May 28, 1971. On July 1, 1971 the name of the United States Postal Department was changed to the United States Postal Service becoming a separate independent entity, controlled by a board of governors in accordance to the Postal Reorganization Act. The title, Acting Postmaster, was replaced by, Officer in Charge. Having served as a postal clerk, Acting Postmaster and Officer In Charge for a combined total of more than 26 years of Postal service, Ruth retired on May 26, 1972.
Mrs. McGraw died January 23, 1997. Her obituary published in the Spartanburg Herald and Journal stated that; “she had died in the Spartanburg Medical Center”. Funeral services were held in the Glendale Baptist Church where she had been a member for some 50 years. Interment was in the Bethesda Baptist Church cemetery, along side of her husband who had predeceased her. She was survived by her son, Donald McGraw of the home and four sisters; Elsie and Imorae Proctor, Forest City, N.C. Mrs. Jessie Walker, Shelby, N.C. and Mrs. Connie Ruppe, Rutherfordton, N.C. Two brothers; Jack and Charles Proctor, Forest City, N. C.
The mill store having been closed, the Glendale Masonic Lodge bought the building in 1967. After the renovation of the ground floor, the Postal Service leased space from the Masons into which the Post Office was moved and remains today.
Elizabeth “Libb” Jones was appointed Postmaster on May 27, 1972. The Postal Reorganization Act of 1970-71 had gone into effect resulting in numerous changes. The Glendale office, which had been 3rd class was now rated as a # 13 office. Mail was being dispatched from Greenville rather than Spartanburg and was being transported by Highway Contract route, the old star route system had been discontinued
Born May 1, 1925, Libb was the daughter of Boyd Harmon and Vera Viola Veal Bridgeman and the wife of Charles Andrew Jones. She and her family lived on the Glendale/Fernwood Road, Spartanburg, S.C. She was a graduate of Anderson Junior College and Furman University. A long time member of the Fernwood Baptist Church and the Pilot Club of Spartanburg. Having given some 40 years of labor to Postal Service, Libb retired May 3, 1983. She had worked in the Spartanburg Post Office as a clerk and was serving as Postmaster at Whitney, S. C. when she transferred to Glendale. The Postmaster’s salary was in the $25,000 range when she retired. She was also a member of the League of Postmasters and the National association of Postmasters.
Mrs. Jones died on Wednesday June 10, 2009. Her obituary which appeared in the Spartanburg HJ on June 11, stated that she had died in the Spartanburg Regional Hospice. She was survived by a daughter, Elizabeth Jones Tyndall of Mt. Pleasant and two sons: Charles William and Mark Rocky Jones of Spartanburg. Five grandchildren, numerous nieces and nephews. She was predeceased by her husband, son in-law, Capt. Clarence Carter Tyndall and three brothers; William Boyd, Clyde Earl and James Lancaster Bridgeman. Graveside services were held on June 13, 2009 at the Greenlawn Memorial Garden in Spartanburg, S. C.
Rachael P. O’Conner was appointed Officer In Charge on May 3, 1983. Serving only about a month, she was released on June 25, 1983 upon the appointment of Emma Jett as Postmaster. Unfortunately, I have not been able to find any further records on Rachael. Reportedly, she was from the state of Texas.
Emma Riddle Jett was appointed Postmaster June 25, 1983. Although records showed it should have remained at #13, the Glendale Office had been reclassified to #11 with a salary of $23,000. Emma tells me that she was so glad to get the job and so satisfied, she did not complain. After three years, sending proof of records of revenue, the Post Office was immediately classified as #13 and her salary was raised accordingly. Getting good evaluations and cost of living increases, Emma states that her salary had increased considerably and that in the 90s, her salary “really jumped”. For the last few years before her retirement, her salary ranged between $42,000 and $44,000, depending on the number of extra hours she worked as a mail counter in the Spartanburg Post Office, which paid her an excellent per hour rate. Glendale was still in class #13 when Emma retired on December 2, 1998.![]()
Emma began her postal work as a career clerk with Mrs. Jones on October 11, 1972. Working as a career clerk for 11 years and serving as Postmaster for 15 years, she had a total of 26 years of postal service making her one of the longest serving Glendale Postal employees on record. Having worked for a number of years in the Mill Concession before entering Postal work and with her big smile, pleasing personality and wonderful disposition, Emma was known, loved and appreciated by all.
A native of Glendale, Emma was the daughter of Mr. Wilson and Ruth Sherbert Riddle. She had one sister, Evelyn and two brothers, Vernon and Paul Riddle. Emma married Gene Jett and they have two sons, Marty and David Jett, six grandchildren and one great grandchild.. She and her husband own a small farm on the outskirts of Glendale but live in their home located on Highland Street, Glendale, S.C. Emma and her husband are active members of the Glendale Baptist Church where Gene serves as a Deacon and Sunday School teacher while Emma serves as a member of the Sanctuary choir.
Mrs. Fred (Julia) McKinnish served as part time Postal Clerk during Mrs. Jett’s tenure as Postmaster
Carolyn B. Coggins, transferring from Lyman S.C., was appointed as Officer In Charge of the Glendale Post Office on December 2, 1998 and was appointed Postmaster on June 19, 1999. A native of Union, S. C., Carolyn is the daughter of Mr. John D. and Hazel Young Berry. She had two brothers, J. Kenneth and David Thomas Berry. She is the mother of two girls; Lori and Robin Coggins and one son, Phillip Coggins.
The Post Office had a rating of 13 during her tenure as Postmaster. She served as Postmaster five years before retiring March 31, 2004. In a note I recently received from Mrs. Coggins along with her picture, she wrote, “Thank you for remembering me in your history of the Glendale Post Office. My time at Glendale will always be a treasure to me”.
Sarah Seppala was appointed as Officer in Charge on March 26, 2004 serving until the appointment of Mr. Tony Miller. No other information about Sarah was available at the time of this writing.
Tony F. Miller transferred from the Post Office in Clifton, S.C. and was appointed Postmaster at Glendale on August 21, 2004. Mr. Miller, the son of Mr. Enoch and Eloise Tillerson Miller, was born in Inman, S.C. He has one sister named Karen. Tony married Miss. Verena Griffin and they have two children, Tenita V. and Tori M. Miller and one grandson. Tony and his family live in the Roebuck area of Spartanburg County. Mr. Miller was transferred in August 2005 to become Officer In Charge of the Una Post Office where he worked until he retired on March 18, 2006
Haroldine “Dee” Bryant was appointed as Officer In Charge at Glendale following the transfer of Tony Miller in August 2005, serving until January 2007. “Dee” as she is called, was born in Greenville, S.C., the daughter of Mr. Buck and Jean Owens Nabors and has four brothers. Ms. Bryant, has three sons; Blythe, William and Jonathan and lives in their home in the Glendale Village. “Dee” was just recently married to James Harold (Bo) Burgess, a life long resident of Glendale and they are making their home in Glendale.
Tonya Keeler Snapp, was appointed Postmaster on January 20, 2007 and continues to serve at the time of this writing. Her previous postal experiences were in Union, South Carolina, where she started as a city carrier on August 13, 1986. After three years as a city carrier, also serving from time to time as a rural carrier. she was transferred to a postal clerk. On December 13, 1995, she transferred to the Pacolet Post Office where she worked as a clerk until coming to Glendale as Postmaster.
Tonya was born in Winchester, Virginia, the daughter Ms. Mary Frances Keeler. She has one sister and two brothers, Shirley, Eldon and Dennis Keeler. Divorced, Tonya is a single mother with one daughter named Hanna Leigh Snapp.
She is active in community activities and has assisted in numerous community gatherings. She has a very pleasing personality and is deeply appreciated by the patrons of her office. In speaking to Tonya about her role as Postmaster, she told this writer that her experience with the Postal Department has been good and that she was proud to be a Postal employee.
The mill having closed and burned, many residents have moved and most all local business establishments are gone. Postal business has dropped considerably, resulting in the Glendale Office dropping again to class #11 and remains such today. It has 306 mail boxes and serves some 2000 patrons.
The foregoing postal history is based on the following sources, Postal Service records, my personal records, knowledge and recollection. Also with the help of Jean Walden Robinson, Glenn Walden, Nancy Stepps, Carolyn Coggins, Emma Jett, Tony Miller, Dee Bryant Burgess and Tonya Snapp, all supplying pictures and information of themselves or their loved ones. Also Congressman Bob Inglis who helped in verifying dates through the Postal Service.
This web site has been started as a public service to share the story of Glendale. See more information about Mary and her Glendale connection at Mary McKinney Teaster.