Friends of Glendale seeks new members.
As a follow up to the community meetings held by the American Institute of Architects (AIA) resulting in a comprehensive report in 2007, some of us have gotten together to develop a community group, or organization, that brings all of those interested in Glendale together to advance our neighborhood goals, to protect our neighborhood interests, and to learn more about our community. (The AIA report can be obtained from or by calling 864-573-8844.)
Who are we? Our founding membership consists of residents of our community, new and long-standing, and of former residents who grew up here, and who continue to care deeply about what happens at Glendale, and of folks who live near Glendale and are interested in Glendale. We believe both that change is inevitable and improvement is possible, and that if we are to have some say in shaping the changes and improvements, we must organize so that they arise from our community and community supporters.
What are our goals? All of us are excited about the possibilities for Glendale's future. There are already significant contributions to that future as evidenced by the presence and involvement of the Palmetto Conservation Foundation, the Spartanburg Area Conservancy (SPACE), and Wofford College. While different ideas are brought to the table about Glendale’s future, all agree that the membership of our organization should be those vitally interested in the community. We are committed to a model of goal setting and community action. We have officers to get things going, and we are all agreed that over time the group's officers should be elected by a larger community membership that is representative of Glendale's “stakeholders.”
Friends of Glendale Officers
Bill Taylor, President; 864-582-1586;
Donn Ward, Vice President; 864-585-5498;
Ben Correll, Treasurer; 864-583-5445;
Dee Dee Mitchell, Secretary; 864-579-7050;
Name ____________________________________________________
Address ____________________________________________________
Phone(s) ____________________________________________________
Email ____________________________________________________
Please fill out and return to Friends of Glendale, P.O. Box 355, Glendale, SC 29346 or send an email to any of the officers listed above.
This web site has been started as a public service to share the story of Glendale. See more information about Mary and her Glendale connection at Mary McKinney Teaster.