Directions to Glendale
These directions start at the intersection of East Main Street (Hwy 29) and Pine Street (Hwy 176) in Spartanburg. The route is marked by the red arrows in the map above.
Proceed South on South Pine St. for about 2.2 miles.
Turn Left on Ben Avon Road (Country Club Road), S-47, and proceed about 3 miles until the intersection with the Clifton Glendale Road, S-30. You are in Glendale. You can cross the road and park near the Iron Bridge or-
You can turn left, cross the modern bridge and then turn right at the first road to get to the Goodall Environmental Studies Center.
This web site has been started as a public service to share the story of Glendale. See more information about Mary and her Glendale connection at Mary McKinney Teaster.